1101F Picnic in the Park
Coordinator: Marilyn Harriman
Friday, 12:30—2:30, Mar. 28
Picture this: you’re sitting on a blanket buoyed by a bed of freshly cut green grass. You’re looking out at trees brimming with lush leaves and garden flowers planted by OLLI’s Dirty Knee Club. You can take it all in at Tallwood’s own park. Our campus includes a backyard that sports shade trees and a gently rolling hill. Bring your blanket, a picnic basket filled with your lunch, a non-alcoholic beverage, and enjoy the camaraderie of your OLLI friends and colleagues! Croquet, badminton, and cornhole games will be set up for your enjoyment—or you may want to laze under the shade of a tree. For those who prefer more structured seating, picnic tables and benches will be set up on the hill near the back parking lot.