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L320Z Fall 2024 The Frontiersmen, Part 4: The Great Plains Frontier - A Clash of Cultures

Course number : L320 Fall 2024   
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L320Z The Frontiersmen, Part 4: The Great Plains Frontier - A Clash of Cultures
Thursdays, 11:50—1:15, Oct. 24—Nov. 14
Four sessions
Instructor: Jim Anderson

From the earliest New World settlements, the proximity of those vast, wild, and unsettled spaces in North America has had a significant impact on the history of our nation. It also has influenced our character as a people, distinct from our European roots. In the first two lectures, we will depart from our focus on biographies and examine the clash of cultures between the Native Americans and White European newcomers as it culminated in the late 19th century military campaigns against the Indigenous Nations on the Great Plains. Then we will return to individuals who exemplified frontier “types,” including the cowboy culture, and Charles Goodnight.
Jim Anderson spent three years in the Air Force and 27 years with the CIA. He has an MA in History from the University of Memphis. For 12 years he conducted leadership training seminars on Civil War battlefields. He has been an OLLI instructor and tour guide since 2009, focusing on the Civil War and the American West.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

NA - Online

Jim Anderson 

Class Fee: 


Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
10/24/2024 - 11/14/2024 Weekly - Thu 11:50 AM - 01:15 PM N/A - Online Jim Anderson 

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